Fossbox recently carried out an impact study of the The Culture Capital Exchange (TCCE)’s National Academics and Creatives Exchange programme (‘The Exchange’) which informed the TCCE publication The Exchange: Revealing Collaborative Values. The report includes a contribution by Fossbox’ Director, Paula Graham-Gazzard along with Darren Henley, Chief Executive, Arts Council England and Dr Steven Hill, Director of Research, Research England, and Ashley Jay-Brockwell.
The Exchange, funded by ACE and HEFCE, was intended to bring together the agendas of creative SMEs, artists and HEIs for mutual benefit across a number of areas. In the publication, TCCE directors and key members of the project team reflect on the practise and policy background of TCCE’s wider work, as well as the project outputs, outcomes and impacts with a range of case studies developed as part of the project evaluation.
Fossbox worked with Ash Burford at Green Spiral Consulting to adapt an arts impact methodology developed by Prof Marie Harder at the University of Brighton’s Sustainability Research Group as part of the AHRC funded Connected Communities Legacy Evaluation. Fossbox created an online platform for ECRs and arts organisations to develop their collaborations and to build reflection on their impacts into every aspect of the project. The result was a particularly rich and sustainable range of impacts and new income generation models.
Download the report here [PDF 1.7 MB]